Amy Vargas, LCSW, SHRM-CP

Organizational Systems Director
Senior Associate II
Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1 (954) 533-9702

Amy Vargas holds a license in Clinical Social Work (LCSW) and is a SHRM-certified professional (SHRM-CP). She is also certified by the Academy of Certified Social Workers (ACSW). Amy leads our organizational systems practice and, along with our other Senior Associates, guides the professional development of our Associates. She has provided management-oriented deliverables and guidance to several public agencies, including municipalities, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), departments of transportation (DOTs), and transit authorities. Before joining the Whitehouse Group team, she worked for more than ten years serving underrepresented populations in Missouri and Texas. Amy earned a master’s degree in Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis (WashU). The Journal of Health and Social Work published her work on improving “help-seeking” opportunities for diverse populations.